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“非传统稳定同位素”(包括Fe、Cu、Se、Mo、Cd、Cr、Zn、Hg、Ca、Mg 、Ge等)的研究是国际上同位素地球化学研究的一个前沿领域。作为一种新的、潜在的地球化学示踪剂,近10余年来“非传统稳定同位素”的研究得到迅速发展。在这其中,由于Cd同位素体系具有十分特殊的分馏机理,已被广泛应用于宇宙化学、矿床学、环境科学、海洋学等领域的研究,取得了显著的成果。
(3)成矿作用研究:通过不同类型富Cd 铅锌矿床中Cd 同位素的研究发现,不同类型富Cd 铅锌矿床(岩浆热液型、夕卡岩型、MVT 型、Sedex 型)具有明显的元素和同位素分组,可作为矿床成因判别的重要标志(图1)。
上述的研究成果已发表在《Scientific Reports》, 《Ore Geology Reviews》,《Applied Geochemistry》,《Analytical Method》等国际SCI期刊上,这一系列性成果在国际相关领域的研究占据了重要的一席之地。
图1 利用Zn/Cd比值和Cd同位素判别铅锌矿床成因(Scientific Reports, 2016)
1) Hanjie Wen, Chuanwei Zhu, Yuxu Zhang, Christophe Cloquet, et al. (2016) Zn/Cd ratios and cadmium isotope evidence for the classification of lead-zinc deposits. Scientific Reports, 6, 25273; doi: 10.1038/srep25273.
2) Rongfei Wei, Qingjun Guo, Hanjie Wen, Congqiang Liu, et al. (2016) Fractionation of Stable Cadmium Isotopes in the Cadmium Tolerant Ricinus communis and Hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum. Scientific Reports, 6, 24309; doi: 10.1038/srep24309 (2016).
3) Yuxu Zhang, Hanjie Wen, Chuanwei Zhu, Haifeng Fan, et al. (2016) Cd isotope fractionation during simulated and natural weathering. Environmental Pollution, 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.04.060
4) Chuanwei Zhu, Hanjie Wen, Yuxu Zhang, Haifeng Fan, (2016) Cadmium and sulfur isotopic compositions of the Tianbaoshan Zn–Pb–Cd deposit, Sichuan Province, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 76: 152-162.
5) Hanjie Wen, Yuxu Zhang, Christophe Cloquet, Chuanwei Zhu, et al. (2015) Tracing sources of pollution in soils from the Jinding Pb–Zn mining district in China using cadmium and lead isotopes. Applied Geochemistry, 52: 147-154.
6) Rongfei Wei, Qingjun Guo, Hanjie Wen, Junxing Yang, et al. (2015) An analytical method for precise determination of the cadmium isotopic composition in plant samples using multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Analytical Methods, 7: 2479-2487.
7) Chuanwei Zhu, Hanjie Wen, Yuxu Zhang, et al. (2013) Characteristics of Cd isotopic compositions and their genetic significance in the lead-zinc deposits of SW China. Science in China, 56: 2056-2065.
8) 朱传威,温汉捷,张羽旭,樊海峰,刘洁,周正兵,(2015) Cd稳定同位素测试技术进展及其应用,地学前缘,05: 115-123.
9) 张羽旭,周倩,朱传威,贺茂勇,樊海峰,罗重光,杜胜江,温汉捷,(2013)表生风化淋滤迁移过程的Cd同位素分馏及其指示意义,地球与环境,06: 612-617.
(温汉捷课题组 供稿)