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应中国科学院地球内部物质高温高压重点实验室邀请,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校Jung-Fu Lin(林俊孚)教授将于2015年8月17日-19日期间来地化所访问,并将于2015年8月18日在高压室学术会议厅做学术报告。具体学术报告信息如下:
报告摘要:In this presentation, I will discuss our recent understanding of the mineralogy, geochemistry, and geophysics of the Earth’s mantle. I will address whether or not the mantle is chemically and/or seismically homogenous or heterogeneous, what is the consequences of hydration in the transition zone (does it contain water?), what are the geophysical and geochemical consequences of the spin transition and post-perovskite transition in the lower mantle. The Earth’s mantle is the most voluminous layer of the planet in which a number of structural transitions further separate it into distinct regions including the upper mantle, the transition zone, the lower mantle, and the D” zone. I will use laboratory mineral physics results, including phase diagrams, sound velocities, element partitioning, isotope fractionation factors, among others, to interpret geochemical observations and seismic signatures of the mantle.